Take one navel orange. Peirce the skin with a toothpick or skewer. (If you ever get one of those fruit arrangements, save the plastic skewers. They are the best ever for piercing citrus skin! Trust me, I used to make pomanders every year.) Insert a whole clove in holes in some pretty pattern. I also make a few extra holes to allow the orange flavor to come out.
Put the orange and three large cinnamon sticks per gallon of cider in a pot or crockpot. Add cider.
Bring to edge of a boil on stove top, or cook on high in crockpot until almost bubbly. Turn down stove to lowest simmer, or turn crockpot to warm. Serve.
If you have leftovers, use a strainer and funnel to pour the leftover cider back into the original jug. Refrigerate for up to a week; warm leftovers in the microwave or on stove.
Love cider SO much!!!