
September 25 - 27, 2020. Registration will open in spring!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Age Doesn't Matter at GE!

Sarah/Fluke writes:  I’ve been a volunteer with Girl Scouts since my first year of college - and I can honestly say that the Great Escape is the only place where I was accepted without question as an adult volunteer by people older than I am. As a troop leader, I was told by older volunteers that I was too young to be trusted with running a troop. As a facilitator, I was told that I was just not old enough to understand an adult’s rhythm of life (yes, those were the exact words used - I remember them to this day!). As a Service Unit Coordinator, I was told that I just didn't understand how hard it was to be a volunteer since I didn't have a school aged child. But at the Great Escape - I have always been told that I have a lot to share. My knowledge and experience have never been questioned - and in return I have learned so much from more experienced volunteers.

My first Great Escape was in 2002 at Camp Favorite - I wasn't even there for the Great Escape; I was helping with a camping training! Nonetheless, I was invited to sing in the evening and, never one to miss up a chance to share music, I went. Several years later I returned with a group of friends and the rest, as they say, is history.

I think I am finally moving out of the "young adult" range as an adult volunteer. I've been around the block a time or two in the past eleven years, and at this point, most people believe me when I tell them I have experience with an area. I don't have to assert myself anymore when leading trainings or convince people that I am the troop leader for a group of high school girls. People entrust me with their precious daughters for weeks at a time at Camp Runels in summer; my first group of high school girls just graduated from college. My daughter is a year and a half old and I look forward to being part of her Girl Scout journey down the road.

The women at the Great Escape are people I can go to for advice, who share their skills with my summer camp staff, who embrace my love of spreadsheets, and who I can truly call friends. It doesn't matter that some of them have daughters my age or that they have been doing Girl Scouting longer than I have been alive - they value me as an individual and as a volunteer. It is my hope that every one of you, young, old and in between, who comes to the Great Escape finds that magic and realizes that we appreciate you and are happy you are coming to spend time with us.

See you in October - make sure to stop by the kitchen and say hi! We always love to see old friends and meet new ones!

Click here to register: REGISTER NOW!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Zentangles; Workshops Filling Fast

Lesley, our Registrar writes....
I learned a new craft this year to share at Great Escape, Zentangles, if you love to doodle this is for you. It is creative, relaxing and meditative all rolled into one.
I am the registrar for Great Escape and it is great to see all the registrations coming in. One workshop is already filled so if you see something you really want to do register now so it too doesn’t fill before you register.
I am looking forward to meeting old friends and meeting all our new folk this year.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Why Not Come to Great Escape?

Pat writes: Great Escape...isn't it amazing that I only have good memories of this event?
I remember...
Everyone I spoke to said I should go because I would have a wonderful time.
Worrying that I wouldn't know anyone and would feel 'left out'.
Worrying that I’d have nothing to do.
But...even if I just had some 'down' time it could be good (I had 2 kids and often had babies at our house for foster care). We were between foster kids, so I was available.
It was at a camp I'd never been to but always wanted to see.
People raved about the food.

So why not go?

I went.

It really was a wonderful time!
I knew a couple of people...sort of. But it made no difference. The biggest surprise was that everyone was so friendly, I never felt left out!
There was lots to do...or not. I had a choice. So I took a nap, sat on the beach, did some group stuff... too soon, the day was over! Even better... after dinner everyone sat and sang, sang, sang. Songs you didn't have to know because they would be taught.  I never wanted it to stop. I had no voice left at the end. So many smiles, I couldn't believe it!
I got to see the beautiful!
Sleep in a peaceful!
And the food was as good as everyone said it added bonus!

The next time we were between foster kids and every time after that, I made it my business to go, and I've always been glad I did!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Cedar Hill Museum Needs YOU!

Here's a guest post from Pat, Janet and the rest of the Eastern Mass Historians....

We are need help at the Cedar Hill Museum. The Girl Scout Historical Collection from the Middleboro office has been in storage for many years. This costs money which we no longer have. 

Over the past years Historians have spent hours in the storage facility weeding through file cabinets and shelves full of boxes of memorabilia, uniforms, books, and records. We have brought truck and car loads of items to Cedar Hill where methods of dealing with it all have been taking shape. This enormous task of sorting – discovering what treasures must be kept and incorporated into the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Museum Collection, and whether duplicates or triplicates should be discarded (and how) - is not simple. This is  a time consuming process, using proper museum procedures. 

Space at Cedar Hill has been made available beginning in July. Now we need your help. Please write us into your calendars. We promise fun, air conditioning, and lunch time fellowship (bring your own brown bag goodies.)

We’ll work on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10am to 4pm on the following days: July 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and  August 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29. 

College students who are interested in History, Gender Studies, Recreation, Archiving and Museum work; maybe you’ll find a paper or presentation topic in addition to learning about collections!

Your volunteer time is appreciated. Please call the museum at 781-373-4360 or email and let us know when you can come (so we can plan to have work set up for you.)

Please, make us an important part of your summer.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

New Friends and Old

Kathy says:  I just sent in my registration and before you know it Great Escape will be here. I‘m part of the Thursday night crew - we volunteer to go early to set up the camp: clean the kitchen and dishes, set up tables and benches in the dining hall, bring supplies to washhouses and  workshop sites and run to the store when the cooks need something.

Why do I do this? I believe in the purpose behind the Great Escape - yes it is a weekend for "me" time but it is so much more. It is a time to meet with friends seen once or twice a year and to catch up with all that has happened since last met- sharing hugs and sometimes tears;  to be away from the stress of work and life in general; to gather fresh ideas and new songs to bring back to Girl Scout troops and leaders; to bask in the sunshine and crisp fresh air of New Hampshire (and sometimes to shiver and huddle away from the rain, after all this is New England);  to laugh and laugh some more; to make new friends who become cherished old friends; to realize the love of the Girl Scout program we all share and to know we are a part of the bigger picture.

I read Kaye's post and what she said is so true -I too come away from this weekend with so much more than I bring. Join us and see if it isn’t the same for you. I always enjoy making a new friend!